MCH - SEQ. 06 (W.I.P)

Still posing out the characters for the scene.

Later in the series, Crush transforms his beater car into a hotrod to race Chaz. I posted these before but felt it was relevent to post them again.

Here's a simple parking lot BG. I typically color in flash, then take the image into photoshop and adjust the colors till i'm happy. I then bring it back into the vector based flash program and eye dropper the new colors onto the image. I find I can keep the image free from aliasing this way.


Above is a small sc. within this seq. staring Pit, Cherri Berry's 'not so twin' twin sister with a rough car guide for ref.

This sequence is a bit bigger and will take longer to do, so I'll post it up a little at a time so the old blog doesn't sit idle.

Above: I've pieced together some of the board panels to get a full shot of the layout. This will be the rough guide I'll need for the background art.

Storyboard panels: Ted Collyer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um, the term is fraternal twin. I happen to be one myself! As for Pit, she seems to have... personality.